Okay, I don't know how to download pics to this so you can see my beautiful family. I tried, and as you can see, I failed. I will eventually figure it out. If anyone has tips, feel free to share.
On another note, I have been thinking a lot about things in my life. I have been reading a blog about a sweet mother and father, and the loss of their daughter. You can see their story if you go to Inspiring People and click on Bring the Rain. Their little precious baby passed away on April 7th, two hours after she was born. It is an awesome story, and it completely inspires me. I have been praying for their healing daily, every moment I think of them. Today was no different. I tried to fathom the gravity of their loss. The grave has robbed them, but in spite of that they continue to praise the Lord for his goodness and for this plan and trial set before them. So I thought of how many times I complain or get angry because I don't get my way, because God brings me down a path that I was not wanting to go. So I go, as if one without a choice, sometimes kicking and screaming. I am ashamed at my behavior. I am embarrassed to say this, I am like a two year old in the toy section at Target whose mommy hasn't allowed her to get the toy she wanted. God forgive me me for being that way. Then I see Angie and Todd's story and think, wow, they praise Him in the storm. They don't understand why God chose Audrey's life to be just over two hours, but they are still trusting God. AMAZING! Sure they have questions, and sometimes she said she has even screamed at God, but they still trust in Him. I am so completely moved by this. I have been through a lot in my life, struggles, heartache, almost losing my husband to depression. Through all of that I can SHAMEFULLY say that I gave up on trusting God's plan. I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and freezing up so to speak, and forgetting the promise that God has a purpose and plan for my life. So I have been moved to this.......I need to ask for forgiveness for not submitting my life to God completely. I have been putting things in God's hand, only to take them back with questions and concerns, and "God are you sure you know what you are doing." I question the God who placed every star in the sky in it's own space, knows every hair on my head, feeds every animal, caused the blind to see, the lame to walk, and sacrificed His own son on the cross for me, who has the nerve to question Him. Um, does anyone else see a problem with that? It's okay, I confess how wrong I am. I am sorry for all the times that I failed to trust. But the great part about all of that is that I am forgiven. It is never too late to start over. God gives us many chances, Lord knows I have had my share of them. So right now, with whoever read this as my witness, I am committing my life into the hand of the one who made me. Yes this will probably be a struggle because I have always liked to do things myself, and fix things myself. (My mom and dad will testify to that!) But, since I have come to the realization that I don't do such a good job directing my own life, it is best left in the hand of God. Angie and Todd gave up their will when it came to their sweet Audrey. Yes they still hope for a miracle up until her last breathe she took. But now they are her voice. They are spreading the word of God healing her, and in their loss, how he is healing them and bringing them to a whole new level of trust. God is good all the time! He never makes mistakes. I am so glad for that. I know I will still stumble on the trust issue, but I am committing to do my best, even when it is hard and I can't understand why God does the things he does. He is always faithful, in every situation! So that is what I wanted to share. I will always be grateful to Angie and Todd for their testimony, even though they don't know me. Please go to Bring the Rain and read their story. It will change your life in some way. I know it changed mine.
Blessings to you all!